A very important feature of our school is that we collect very nominal and affordable fees. There are no hidden charges and most importantly, we do not collect any donations or even admission fees from parents.
Each parent is given a fee card and no extra fee is collected apart from what is mentioned in the card. All details concerning fees will be informed during the time of admission and no further fee will be collected. Clarity and transparency will be maintained.
Fees are usually collected in 3 Terms during the academic year. Parents can also remit the total fee in one payment (if they want to) while admitting their wards.
Fees will be collected only between 10.00a.m and 12.30p.m.
Fees once paid will not be refunded (this is a common rule followed in all institutions).
Fees should be paid either by cash or by cheque (cheque in favour of MORNING STAR MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL).